Author Topic: Fungi Label Party - 4 June 2005 - Portugal  (Read 3243 times)


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Fungi Label Party - 4 June 2005 - Portugal
« on: March 11, 2005, 01:40:11 pm »
Fungi Records is proud to annouce...
 - Fungi Label Party -  

Live :

- AUDIO X (Br)- Fungi Rec.

Thiago Pedutti and Gabriel Rocca are the faces of this project. these brasiliens have already conquered there homeland and now here they are for the first time to present there new album.
good psychedelic vibes and groovy basses makes there music simply beautifull...

- CONCEPT (Fr) - Fungi Rec.

Arnaud Levasseur is Concept. a french man in Brasil that come to portugal for the first time to present is new album. is style combines a dark path to crusher and powerfull basslines.

- + 2 Special Guests (live)

Dj's :

- Sparks
- Pedutti vs Rocca
- Noon
- Psykuanzo
- Syco
- Morango
- + 1 more special guest (dj)

more information soon...
