Author Topic: The Z Factor 002 with Zak Quiney + Junk Science  (Read 4104 times)


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The Z Factor 002 with Zak Quiney + Junk Science
« on: March 12, 2008, 03:16:14 pm »

3-5pm GMT / 10am-12pm EST / 4-6pm CET / 5-7pm EET

1st and 3rd Saturday of each month

Hello again! The Z Factor returns for episode #2 this Saturday with a chance to hear some of my favourite new tracks, some new mashups (not just from myself) and some not-really-exclusive-but-you-may-find-interesting tracks, fans of 'ANJ020' keep your ears peeled!

There's a look back at the discography of another of my favourite artists this week. Their identities are so secret no-one really knows who they are, but they appear to have run away from the scene recently. Hopefully we'll see them return one day and find that time is the healer, but asking when is like asking how long is a piece of string(er).

And as the flyer mentions, Junk Science are my guests. Anjunadeep regulars, and doing alright for themselves away from the label, they are Simon Oates (from the UK) and Andrew K (from Texas, USA). Most commonly known for 'My Name Is Jacques', a remix of 'Worldwide' and a lovely take on 'Razorfish' (which was sadly changed back to the original melody for the ANJ100 release), Andrew K was also behind the track 'Next To Me' (ANJDEE016), and the Junk Science name can be traced back as far as 2003.

I look forward to your company!


P.s. Sunday afternoon/evening/night (depending on where you are) gives the opportunity to hear more of me on Tamas' 'Stellar Sessions'. I believe myself and Ant are guestmixing, I have prepared something a little different than your average guestmix so listen out for that!


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1. Endre - Kallocain (Endre's Original Original Mix - not the one that got released) [CDR]
2. 8 Wonders - A Thought Away [CDR]
3. Matt Hardwick vs Mark Pledger ft. Melinda Gareh - Fallen Tides (Dub Mix) [Anjunabeats]
4. Boom Jinx ft. Key - Eternal Reminiscence (Original Mix) [Anjunabeats]
5. Jes - Heaven (Myon Remix) [Ultra]
6. Lustral vs Karen Overton - When Your Loving Arms Fall Down (Jack Daniel's Bootleg Mix) [CDR]

Riva Discography Mix:

7. Dreamcatcher - Twisted (Riva Remix) [Positiva]
8. Laura Turner - Soul Deep (Riva Remix) [White Label]
9. Riva - Run Away [Dedicated]
10. Riva - Nova Tripper [Dedicated]
11. Weekend Players - Into The Sun (Riva Remix) [Multiply]
12. Marc Et Claude - Tremble (Riva Remix) [Positiva]

13. Sasha - Wavy Gravy (Terry Bones Remix) [CDR]
14. Peter Martijn Wijnia vs Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Saved In The End (Zak's Mashup) [CDR]
15. Adam White vs Rozza - Love Angels (Original Mix) [Emalodic]
16. Ilya Soloviev - Sunwaves (Static Blue Remix) [Timeline Music]

Junk Science Guestmix

1. ID - ID
2. Not sure of this one either
3. Jaytech - Pepe's Garden [Anjunadeep]
4. Err...
5. That's it
« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 08:04:17 pm by zakquiney »