Author Topic: The Art -Show Cancelled-  (Read 12824 times)


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The Art -Show Cancelled-
« on: May 26, 2006, 05:45:23 pm »

I am sorry to say that after a mere five editions, I am going to have to cancel the show.  Since it wouldn't be fair to do this without an explanation, here's what's going on:

I've been diagnosed with two different types of arthritis, psoriasis (makes my skin grow too fast), angeo adema (randomly swells a body part, including organs), and urticaria (random hives).  I'm currently on low-level chemotherapy to attempt to address some of this, but overall it takes its toll.  The result is that I'm in constant pain, and energy is difficult to come by.

My sister has been diagnosed with a type of arthritis, Hosimoto's disease (food -> energy doesn't really work), and fibromyalgia (every single nerve in her body is in pain 24/7, all of her life).  This has led to massive depression, suicidal stuff, etc.  I've been dealing with this somewhat because my father's an ass and my mom is the subject of the next paragraph.

My mother has been diagnosed with a million things, here's the worst of it:
Compressed spinal cord.  Basically its very difficult for signals from the brain to reach her body.  Practically this means that if she gets rear-ended while driving, its likely she gets paralyzed or killed.  Requires surgery through her neck (preliminary already done, main operation taking place in early July).
Disassociative Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  Big fancy name for my mom having trouble telling the difference between the real world and a world made up somewhere in her brain.  This has also led very close to multiple personalities.

My father's participation in this has been to tell me sister she's a failure because she's depressed, and to yell at my mother that she should be doing more around the house.  Oh, and to yell at everybody about money.

So I've been driving down to my parents', down to my sister's, to doctors, etc, dealing with all of this simultaneously, and this means that free time is rather hard to come by.  Which is where we get to the fundamental reason I'm cancelling the show.

I promised myself that if The Art ever came to feel like work instead of something relaxing and fun, I'd cancel it.  At this point, to do The Art I have to summon up energy that I don't really have much of and force myself to get it done, and that isn't relaxing or fun.  If there wasn't so much crazy stuff going on in my life, The Art would be relaxing and fun - instead, its something else I have to do.

I hope that this all helps explain why I'm cancelling.  If you have any questions/comments, feel free to post a reply and I'll answer/reply to them.

Again, my apologies, and may all your mixes be smooth.


P.S.  I'll still do guest mixes for whoever wants 'em *cough* MackerMD *cough*