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Messages - DJ PrideChild

Pages: [1]
Idle Conversation / More Info Needed
« on: June 24, 2004, 12:56:38 am »
hmm would seriously need more info to even make an educated guess....2+2 =4 or so they teach in school, not sure where this 42 is coming from...but then that could be right too, just depends on how he came to the conclusion of 42....but then he could be wrong and everything could be 4, in which case the mathamatician would be correct. Or they both could be wrong & everything is about 23, or 13 for that matter, both of whith are notorious numbers (23 = Anarchist Symbol, 13 = Traditional number of witchs in a Coven, and hence considered badluck by Christians, who supposedly don't believe in Luck to begin with....) and if it's about 23, then does that mean the answer to everything is Anarchy....or is it 13, in which case Witchcraft would be the answer to everything....I dunno, need more info.

Or am I just over analyzing what should be a really simple question? And if I am, then has this happened before, or am I the first to overanalyzie this question? And if I'm not the first, then who was? How many people have overanalyzed this exact question over the centuries? And who says I'm overanalyzing? Maybe I'm analyzing this perfectly and the rest of you are underanalyzing....And is everything left to chance or does Fate control everything? Say you're walking down the road and you meet 2 women, at the exact same time. You choose one of them to marry, now, did you marry the right one? Or were you supposed to be with the other one? What if you meet your perfect match, and she dies....then what? Do you get another chance or are you doomed to spend eternaty alone?

So many few answers. Thus is life.


Idle Conversation / umm ok
« on: June 24, 2004, 12:48:31 am »
umm ok

Pages: [1]