Author Topic: Announcement: Important  (Read 22889 times)


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« on: February 12, 2005, 05:21:20 am »
I'm just letting everyone know in advance, I will be giving a rest to MHN's once the month finishes.  I'm pretty sure not many who read the forums will actually care, but i've been so busy with production work, and to be honest guest sets, it's really alot of work to get guests and make the show happen.  It seems as if i've made numerous enemies with Party107 staff and DJ's so I think giving it a rest for a while would make many of you (names not mentioned) much happier.  I have however had conversation with Mark and still might be possibly doing a monthly 3 hour show.  If I get enough good feedback I might look into actually making this happen.  To those who have supported MHN's I thank you alot, it means alot to me and is a huge reason as to why i'm at the status I am now...Thank You.  Don't forget if you really have the urge to catch my DJ sets, check out, I do a 2 hour biweekley show over there.



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« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2005, 11:35:10 am »
Party107 made you where you are today and you leave here to go to ETN...Smart one Shawn.....
Tim Grube
Virginia Beach, VA

Mark Kane

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« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2005, 01:29:27 pm »
I'd like to clarify some things. Shawn and I did have a conversation last week. The logs of this are included at the end of my post. However, some things I feel are not accurately represented in this thread.

Quote from: DJMitiska
It seems as if i've made numerous enemies with Party107 staff and DJ's so I think giving it a rest for a while would make many of you (names not mentioned) much happier.

In our conversation, this was not brought up as a reason for wanting to stop your show. You said that it was due to the work you had to do and all the sets you are doing now. This is the first time that I have heard of this being a reason why you want to stop your show.

Quote from: DJMitiska
I have however had conversation with Mark and still might be possibly doing a monthly 3 hour show. If I get enough good feedback I might look into actually making this happen.

As per our conversation, this was going to be a sure thing (the monthly show). Now, an added contingency of "if you get enough good feedback" determines if you will do your show or not.

Quote from: DJMitiska
To those who have supported MHN's I thank you alot, it means alot to me and is a huge reason as to why i'm at the status I am now...Thank You.

I still have this question. If Party107 is the main reason you are at your status, then why are you only dropping your show on Party107? I thought that cutting it to a monthly show was bad enough, but as of your latest post here its a "possible" monthly show. You said in the AIM conversation:

Quote from: Shawn/AIM
(18:53:46) Shawn: cuz i dont wanna leave party if i wasnt on party i wouldnt be anywhere right now

...Then why do you want to suddenly cut us out of the picture if we got you started? You also said in AIM

I appreciate you acknowledging and saying that Party107 has helped make you where you are today, but from reading your original post here, I feel that the way it is worded makes it look like we are bad people, and are trying to intentionally make enemies with you. Also advertising your other show in the manner that it was worded:

Quote from: DJMitiska
Don't forget if you really have the urge to catch my DJ sets, check out

...makes it look like we are trying to take you off the air, which is NOT the case.

You also said in AIM

Quote from: Shawn/AIM
i mean i dont wanna stop. i jus dont wanna do a set every week u know. its a fuck load of work getting good guests each week making sure their sets get aired making sure i have a set. i'd rather do once a month set cuz on etn im doing every other week.

Why do you feel the need to cut back only on Party107, but continue with more frequency on ETN. Is getting guest sets for MHN on Party107 not worth their time?

I'm just trying to understand the situation better here Shawn. You know I'm not your enemy. This post is leaps and bounds different than what we talked about, and I'm rather confused.

Thank you in advance for clarifying.

Quote from: Shawn/AIM

(18:33:49) Shawn: Mark

(18:33:56) Shawn: Can I talk to you about something?

(18:35:18) Mark: sure

(18:35:25) Shawn: okey dokey

(18:37:59) Shawn: Well i've been thinking about this alot, and
recentley i've been super its really hard to record as many sets as I record...i've been doing like 5 sets a week and its jus to much work. These upcoming months are going to be really busy as well, i'm flying to LA the 20th to work on msuic and vocals and such, and I have a buncha gigs coming up after I get back. So I was thinking of just finishing up this month of MHN's then calling it quits. However, I think i'll be doing the occasional guest mix on whom evers show. Honestley i'm just tired of getting all this shit toghther each week its stressing me out. I was possibly also thinking about doing a set monthly for Party 107.

(18:38:18) Shawn: Basically I dont wanna leave Party all toghther u know?

(18:39:54) Mark: I totally understand Shawn. I know things are getting bigger for you and Nightlight, and I'm real happy things are working out for you. However, can I ask you a question and hope you are not offended by it?

(18:49:27) Shawn: go for it

(18:50:28) Mark: Okay, I don't know the best way to phrase this, but why are you wanting to stop only on Party107? It's hard to explain exactly what my question is, but I hope you kind of understand where I'm coming from.

(18:50:45) Shawn: yah i get u

(18:50:45) Shawn: well

(18:50:52) Shawn: i mean i dont wanna stop

(18:50:58) Shawn: i jus dont wanna do a set every week u know

(18:51:12) Shawn: its a fuck load of work getting good guests each week making sure their sets get aired making sure i have a set

(18:51:22) Shawn: i'd rather do

(18:51:24) Shawn: once a month

(18:51:25) Shawn: set

(18:51:33) Shawn: cuz on etn

(18:51:37) Shawn: im doing every other week

(18:51:48) Shawn: i jus wanna do less internet radio stuff

(18:52:00) Shawn: i still wanna do it, because its good promotion

(18:52:04) Shawn: jsu wanna do less

(18:52:58) Mark: Okay. I didnt know about the ETN being biweekly, but I do know that now. With your original message saying you want to call it quits after this month, I thought that ETN was still weekly and couldn't understand why you were only cutting Party107 but not ETN.

(18:53:15) Shawn: yah

(18:53:19) Shawn: so, is that cool

(18:53:28) Shawn: if i do a monthly like 2 hour show

(18:53:29) Shawn: ?

(18:53:35) Shawn: instead of every week

(18:53:46) Shawn: cuz i dont wanna leave party if i wasnt on party i wouldnt be anywhere right now

(18:54:37) Mark: It's just hard though seeing so many Party107 "original" if you will DJ's move to ETN. I don't have anything against ETN or Junkman or E-Van, they are great people, but I've put so much hard work in to Party107 and just the mentality that everyone thinks ETN has such better programming really kills me.

(18:55:02) Mark: So I dont know what to say. Yes, a monthly is certainly better than none.

(18:55:04) Shawn: understood

(18:55:15) Shawn: well

(18:55:57) Shawn: yah i feel bad cutting back, but its not because i wanna quit party 107, its jus because it comes down to alot of work, and i'm jus really busy now to be recording like2-4 sets a week

(18:57:41) Mark: right. I don't know what to say Shawn. I can understand things come up, its just the fact that you've been with us so long, and you want to cut back more with Party107 and not cut back on ETN at all thats confusing me.

(18:57:48) Mark: Thats just my opinion and my confusion.

(18:58:00) Mark: So, to answer your original question, a monthly show can be arranged no problem.

(18:58:15) Shawn: ok

(18:58:19) Shawn: well i mean

(18:58:38) Shawn: its not like i wont go back to what i was doing

(18:58:42) Shawn: i jus need a break from the sets

(18:58:45) Shawn: right now

(18:59:31) Mark: okay.

(19:01:25) Mark: Well, I guess you can just let me know after your last show when you want your monthly to be, or if you change your mind between now and then and want a biweekly or anything, I am open to working with you.

(19:01:42) Shawn: ok for sure


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« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2005, 07:26:53 pm »
Hmm first off I dont understand the point of posting the Aim conversation, and second I dont get why Mr. TimG is attacking me, I made myself who I am today not any radio station...Party 107 was a tool to get myself out there and show my talent that's saying it made me the DJ I am you're a total moron.  As for Mark, I have thought about the situation more and more and to be honest all i've ever recieved from people is utter bullshit...why the fuck would I wanna help people who give me shit all the time, not saying you do...because to be honest you're the only reason Party 107 is what it is PERIOD.  This is exactly what i'm talking about as well, I post a thread and the first comment is some lil smirk asshole remark...


As for etn, the only reason I plugged my show there is because if anyone actually reads this thread and wants to listen to me DJ other than rebroadcasts they can listen there.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2005, 07:29:49 pm by DJMitiska »


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« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2005, 07:30:11 pm »
I wish you the best of luck, we'll probably be in touch ;)

Plus it probably wasnt necessary to post the AIM conversation, and what tim said wasnt appropriate either.
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« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2005, 07:33:41 pm »
Well, I hope the best for you, and I look forward when you return on

Mark Kane

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« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2005, 07:34:24 pm »
Shawn, the point of posting the AIM conversation was because in your post you were misrepresenting the facts of what we talked about. If something had changed since then, I would appreciate knowing about it before the community does. :(



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« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2005, 07:35:33 pm »
Sorry, I jus decided I needed to say something because thats the truth...when you feel like you're the only person targeted out something is wrong.


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« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2005, 07:37:02 pm »
Posting the convo wasn't that cool. Coulda went over that part in private. There's no need for any of us to see what was said amongst you two, but that's just my opinion.

Shawn you know I'll always support you in whatever you do. I know you have a lot riding on you right now. Gotta do what you gotta do. If people wanna piss and moan about it. Its not really your problem. Let it go and just keep on..

And of course I will be tuned into your show on ETN. :D

Mark Kane

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« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2005, 07:40:28 pm »
I don't know what to say guys. In the thread was totally different than we talked about, so by posting the AIM conversation I thought that it would clarify things, since the things we talked about in AIM were totally different than represented here.

I'm not sure how I got made out to be the bad guy here. :(


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« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2005, 07:41:35 pm »
Im just waiting for a MackerMD post, or Entertijn post, or GGluvsParty post...o the fun


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« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2005, 07:43:23 pm »
You're not the bad guy at all. Just wasn't a smart move on your part posting the convo.

That shoulda been dealt with back on AIM and just with the two of you. None of us needed to know what exactly was said. If one of you wanted to come back and clarify after discussing, I think that would've been better.

Don't feel bad. :)


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« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2005, 07:43:29 pm »
Um Mr. Shawn..I am not a total moron. According to a recent AIM conversation you stated, "(18:53:46) Shawn: cuz i dont wanna leave party if i wasnt on party i wouldnt be anywhere right now"

Does that not say anything, Shawn? You said it yourself?
Tim Grube
Virginia Beach, VA


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« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2005, 07:47:10 pm »
Mark youre not the bad guy in my book. Infact no one in this situation is.
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« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2005, 07:47:18 pm »
I think it's called a change of heart, and Mark you're not the bad guy.