Author Topic: Michael Splint & Jace - TranceSound Session 051 on Party107 (01-16-09)  (Read 5076 times)

Cosmin Lukacs

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Hi there everyone

After few several weeks having a forced break, while there was no TranceSound Session being aired/broadcasted by Sense.FM since we have closed the deal with them (... reason truncated), we are back on track with a new year, a new year full of high hopes, something to shout about. A new TranceSound Session Experience !!!

A new TranceSound Session Experience along the Danish superstar Michael Splint and the Finish star too, Jarkko Nieminen aka Jace for the TranceSound Session, episode 51, so in the next couple of minutes, a download will be added too, so please stand by for any further details, thank You again for being a part of the weekly session that made a huge and good impression by now :)

For any further details about the today's show and for an update playlist please check these 2 links, thank You


« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 07:10:51 pm by Cosmin Lukacs »

Cosmin Lukacs

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Michael Splint & Jace - TranceSound Session 051 on Party107 (01-16-09)
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2009, 07:06:45 pm »
NEXT SHOW: Friday the 23rd of January with Euphoria & Phynn on Party107

Euphoria and Phynn @ TranceSound Session 052 on 2009-01-23    ( 16.01.2008 - 21:40 GMT UTC )

    Hello to everyone, salut tout le monde, ciao tutti, hola a todos

    We have something to shout about so, please bare with us a few minutes to read what we have to say thou cause we do have something to share with all members and that means... that finally administrators and it's moderators made things happen and we will have an ONCE a week show, (every Friday of the week) our own show aired/broadcasted on Party107 radio station, and the show will air for 2 hours in a row, every Friday @ 16:00 GMT UTC London time... and down below I will add some useful information too, about our line-up and other useful information.

    In a few couple of weeks I will be able to let you know what's the schedule for each and every week and very soon from now we do expect to spread the TranceSound vibe willing to spread the sound, the sound that made Trance to be what it is nowadays, therefore, here's the show for you, (TSS) TranceSound Session.

    Also, just wanted to let You know as well, that all the play lists will be added on the forum after each and every show, either way if You would like to keep Yourself informed about the play list, which is updated every minute, just join us @ Mixxnet on #TranceSound official IRC channel, where we can discuss the lineup or anything related to the show, and the guests that are invited to have a guest mix for us.

    NOTE: Each and every week I will also add flash news about our surprise guest invited to have a guest mix thou, so just keep Yourself informed, also the main website will be updated with a special section about all this new and fresh updates.


    Euphoria (New York, United States of America)
    Phynn (The Netherlands)


    * TranceSound Sessions: January 23, 2008
    * Euphoria @ TranceSound Session (TSS) 1st hour
    * Phynn @ TranceSound Session (TSS) 2nd hour

    Useful information

    Show: TranceSound Session @ Party 107
    When: Every Friday of each week
    Time: 16:00 GMT / 17:00 CET / 18:00 EET / 12:00 EDT / 11:00 EST-CDT / 10:00 CST-MDT / 09:00 MST-PDT / 08:00 PST


    GMT = London, Cairo, Dublin, Lisbon, Rabat (WET)
    CET (GMT+1) = Wien, Brussels, Helsinki, Oslo, Budapest, Madrid, Roma, Paris, Warsaw, Stockholm, Valetta (CET)
    EET (GMT+2) = Bucharest, Sofia, Athens, Helsinki, Nicosia, Riga, Tallinn, Chisinau (EET)
    EST (GMT-5) = Austin, Texas, Birmingham, Alabama, Chicago, Illinois, Dallas, Texas, Fort Worth, Houston, Jackson, Mississippi, Memphis, Tennessee, New Orleans, Louisiana, San Antonio (CST)
    CST (GMT-6) = Albany, Augusta, Georgia, Baltimore, Maryland, Boston, Massachusetts, Cincinnati, Ohio, Cleveland, Columbus, Detroit, Michigan, Indianapolis, Indiana, Jacksonville, Florida, Louisville, Kentucky, Miami, New York City, New York, Orlando, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Washington DC (EST)
« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 07:11:11 pm by Cosmin Lukacs »